Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences

Open Access Creative Commons License

Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences

Online ISSN: 1880-2206
Print ISSN: 1347-3182
ISSN-L: 1347-3182
MRMS Editorial Office
TEL: +81-3-6824-9399

Publication Charge

This journal does not charge submission fees or publication fees. This policy is subject to change without notice. The service of color reproduction in print and orders for offprints are applicable only to society members.

1) Color Reproduction: All color figures will be published in color online for free. For the printed version of the journal, authors may choose to have their color pages printed in black and white at no cost. If color printing is preferred, the society will cover the cost of one page of color printing if it contains images. For all other color pages, the authors are required to pay 50,000 JPY per page.

2) Offprints: Offprints should be ordered at the galley proof correction stage. The minimum number of offprints that can be ordered is fifty. An order form and price list for offprints will be sent to the corresponding author with the galley proof.

Update: November 30, 2021
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