Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine


Greetings from the President

Update: November 26, 2024

Greetings from the President

I am Takayuki Obata, a researcher at the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) and recently appointed as the 19th President of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (JSMRM). The JSMRM was founded in 1986 as an offshoot from the Japanese Society of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Since then, the JSMRM has made many contributions to the development of magnetic resonance as a tool for both clinical and basic medical research.Over the next two years, I hope to add to the great history of the JSMRM by making some progressive changes that will benefit our members as we move into the modern era. Below are the key areas I would like to focus on in managing the society:
1. Strengthening Diversity
Our society has actively promoted gender equality and created relevant guidelines. We will continue our efforts to ensure inclusivity across nationalities, generations and all the other dimensions of diversity.
2. Promoting MRI-based Medical Research
The JSMRM will continue to actively support research into the use of MRI in medicine. I will hold discussions with the board of directors and various committees to come up with concrete plans. I would also like to incorporate the ideas of general JSMRM members.
3. Enhancing MRI Safety Evaluation and Education
As MRI usage expands in clinical and research settings, MRI safety is an increasing concern. The education of researchers new to the MRI field is also essential. I am committed to advancing the JSMRM’s role in education and safety awareness.
4. Streamlining the Organization of Academic Conferences 
In the post-COVID-19 era, we are reimagining academic conferences. Thanks to the efforts of organizers over the past few years, onsite attendance has steadily been increasing towards pre-pandemic levels. It is heartening to see JSMRM members gathering again for energetic discussions. However, conference organization remains a significant task for the host university or institution. My goal is to reduce the burden on the host site and make conference organization more appealing and manageable.
5. Upgrading the IT system
Gradual improvements to our IT system have already enhanced our website, digitized our journal, and introduced electronic voting. To continue these efforts, we intend to establish a dedicated committee for IT operations that will flexibly and sustainably address the requirements of office staff, other committees, board members, and members in general.   
In closing, I look forward to collaborating with our board and other members to promote the JSMRM. I sincerely appreciate your continued guidance and support.
Takayuki Obata, M.D.,Ph.D. 
Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
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